A moment to remember

In every one’s life there are moments one felt loved. Sharing one such from my life. I was at a working women’s hostel in Chennai 5-6 years ago. A group of young women who have just graduated their MBBS joined the hostel to study for exams from a coaching center nearby. They were so much fun and were always full of laughter. Within a month they showed great lengths of love and care to me in many ways.

Some where gentle. They used to bring dinner upstairs were I was. Invite me whenenver they go for lunch or dinner.

Some where slightly parental. They used to stop me before I go to work and ensure I look the prettiest. If I don’t, I would have to change my clothes or at the very least iron the one I was wearing. Oshin, one of the medico used to do fancy hairstyles on me like french braids or fishtails, draw eyeliner on my eyes and double and triple check that I look uber pretty. I loved french braids. God I miss having french braids and other such elaborate hair do.

However, there is one moment that I would never forget. I have the habit of reading and falling asleep as I read. Now that I sleep alone, I wake up a while later to turn off the lights. But whenever I shared my room, someone usually turns of the light at some point since I sleep the earliest. Oshin, was my neighboring room mate at that point. One such night, she not only turned off the light, covered me in warm blanked and gave me a cute little kiss on the forehead and left. I was only semi asleep and I remember that moment so well.

I don’t remember if I teared up that night but of course the next day I was sharing this moment with my bestie at work with utmost joy. That moment stays forever in my heart. A moment I felt loved, a moment that I will probably remember for as long as I live.

The highlight of this story is not Oshin being super loving. The highlight of this story is, we only knew each other for maybe 2-3 weeks at that point. For someone to show that level of love and affection to someone whom they hardly know is not common. I hope I develop that level of empathy and love to those around me.

Needless to say Oshin is also extremely very hard working and have gone through enormous hardships early in her life. Everytime I think of Oshin, I always give a silent prayer because people like her deserve the best. In a world where there is no shortage of bad news, I am happy to say that Oshin is actually living a happy life. She is married to the man of her dreams, doing what she loves the most. May our dear Oshin continue to spread more love, joy to the world. May her life be filled with bliss. So, the moral of the story is, be loving even when the person you love would never know of it. Work hard even when success is not guaranteed. Because you are healing lives around you, you are magic, you are the light in our lives, you are what we remember, you are what we write about, you are the stories we tell, you are more.

p.s: Looking at the picture I realise I still have the bangles that Oshin is wearing. Maybe she gifted it to me or did I gift that to her? (Unlikely that at that point of time in my life I had the maturity to gift her). Anyways, going to wear it 🙂