13 reasons why

  1. because you would rather take train even if it is long and uncomfortable than a flight since you care about carbon footprint
  2. because you dont ask questions
  3. because you are patient
  4. because you are somewhat funny
  5. because you are the only adult that i know who is down for disneyland
  6. because you are smart and hard working
  7. because if you make that big of a deal about little things like food waste, I imagine how sincere you would be about the big things in life
  8. of course, because you are sincere
  9. because maybe we can be ourselves and yet be liked by one another?
  10. because you argue about the silliest things and I find it funny
  11. because i like you
  12. because you like me too?
  13. because for the love of god, for once in our lives maybe we got it right

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