Diffusing difficult situations

Here are some insights I learnt from my workplace today and I wanted to share it all with you folks

Q: How do we find out if I am the asshole or if the situation is shit?
A: If the situation doesn’t invoke a change in you then the situation is shit.

Took me a while to wrap around what my boss said, but the gist is.
Given you are a fairly kind and sensible person who introspects. If you are an asshole in a situation, the situation would demand you to change. If the situation doesnt demand you to change despite your introspection, then the situation is shitty. With repeated shitty experiences you should call it quits

Few other insights

“It is good to understand/assume that people generally don’t act from a place of malice. The next step would be to start articulating and being yourself knowing that people around you generally have the collective best interest in mind”

“One common mistake that people do when they become leaders is to think that everyone is like themselves (i.e the leader) but no, everyone is different.”

I am not a leader, never held a leadership position. While empathy is important, people are different, what hurts or helps one person might not hurt or help the other. Sometimes, what works for someone might be catastrophic for someone else.

Have a wonderful week ahead!

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